Psychosocial Consequences of Social Class

The research we carry out analyzes the relationship between, on the one hand, the social class to which people belong or the fact of suffering to a greater or lesser degree the consequences of an economic crisis and, on the other hand, different psychosocial variables, such as socio-political behavior, subjective well-being, humor, dehumanization or trust. We currently have two research projects sponsored by Spanish institutions.


Identidad de clase social: consecuencias sobre la movilidad social y las acciones colectivas” (Ref. PID2023-147675NB-I00). Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades. 2024-2027. Investigador principal: Miguel Moya.

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“Reacciones cognitivas y emocionales ante la pobreza y la inestabilidad económica: efectos sobre la ayud individual y colectiva” (Ref. P20_00199). Entidad financiadora: Junta de Andalucía. 2021-2022. Investigador Principal: Miguel Moya

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“Clase social y crisis económica/sanitaria: consecuencias interpersonales y sociopolíticas” (Ref. PID2020-114464RB-I00). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2021-2023. Investigadores principales: Miguel Moya e Inmaculada Valor

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Previous projects

“Realidades macrosociales (crisis económica y clase social) y procesos psicosociales: confianza, bienestar, altruismo y política.” (Ref. PSI2017-83966-R). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. 2018-2020.

“Clase social, crisis económica y confianza. Variables psicosociales mediadoras y moderadoras.” (Ref. PSI2014-59659-R). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. 2015-2017.

Research team

Inmaculada Valor

Inmaculada Valor-Segura

Lab Director
Doctor in Psychology (European Doctorate) and Expert in Criminology



Alonso-Ferres, M., Valor-Segura, I., & Williamson, H. C. (2025). Spanish adaptation of the perceived responsiveness and insensitivity scale. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships


Zapata-Calvente, A., Moya, M., & Megías, J. L. (2024). Unveiling the gender symmetry debate: exploring consequences, instructions, and forms of violence in intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Vecina, M.L., Alonso-Ferres, M., López-García, L., & Díaz-Silveira, C. (2024). Eco-Anxiety and Trust in Science in Spain: Two Paths to Connect Climate Change Perceptions and General Willingness for Environmental Behavior. Sustainability, 16, 3187.

All our publications

