Catalina Argüello Gutiérrez


I am a professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). I teach in the Master of Intercultural and Inclusive Education. My research experience has focused on the use of denigrating humour (social, sexist, political) and its impact on group dynamics, as well as the role of morality in the formation of stereotypes. I have recently started to analyze the processes that facilitate inclusive and intercultural education.

Main interests

  • Use of humor, its effects on stereotypes and intergroup relationships.
  • Analysis of the relationship between moral bases and intergroup prejudice.
  • Approaches to research and intervention of inclusive education, cultural and ethnic diversity.
  • The role of psychological flexibility and artistic expressions on stress and quality of life.


Training and professional career

2021 - nowadays

Assistant Professor Doctor

International University of La Rioja


University Expert in Psychological Techniques for Stress Management

National Distance University


Interim Professor

Marbella International University Centre


Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Granada


PhD in Psychology

University of Granada


Master in Psychology of Social Intervention

University of Granada


Degree in Psychology

University of Costa Rica



Argüello-Gutiérrez, C., Smith-Castro, V., & Martín- Gutiérrez, Á. (2023). Proyecto DiverProf: actitudes del profesorado de educación obligatoria en España sobre la aculturación e interculturalidad. En: Migraciones internacionales y sostenibilidad social. Dykinson. ISBN 978-84-1122-715-5

Argüello-Gutiérrez, C. (2023). Nunca es tarde para aprender: alfabetización digital para personas adultas mayores en Costa Rica. In: Investigación e innovación sobre inclusión e intervención socioeducativa. ISBN reserved 978-84-1122-458-1. Dykinson S.L.

Argüello-Gutiérrez, C. & Moreno-López, R. (2023). Rasgos que caracterizan las estrategias de comunicación y de diseminación científica en las redes sociales. In: Said-Hung, E. (Ed.) Comunicación y diseminación científica, a través de las redes sociales. Aproximación desde el ámbito educativo en España. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch.


Argüello-Gutiérrez, C., Cubero, A., Fumero, F., Montealegre, D., Sandoval, P., & Smith-Castro, V. (2022). I’m just joking! Perceptions of sexist humour and sexist beliefs in a Latin American context. International Journal of Psychology.

Argüello-Gutiérrez, C., López-Rodríguez. L., & Vázquez-Botana, A. (under review). The Effect on Moral Foundations on Intergroup Relations: The Salience of Fairness Promotes the Acceptance of Minority Groups. Social Psychology and Personality Science. 

Mendiburo-Seguel, A., Alenda, S., Olah, A., Navia, P, Argüello-Gutiérrez, C., & Ford, T. (2022). #funnypoliticians: How Do Political Figures Use Humor on Twitter? Frontiers in Sociology, 7; 788742.

Argüello-Gutiérrez, C; López, C. & de Rueda, B. (in preparation). A través de la pantalla te siento: cambios en la percepción del estado emocional después de observar telemáticamente un espectáculo de danza-circo.


Argüello-Gutiérrez, C. (2021). Revisiting evidence for recommending a gluten free diet in schizophrenia. In: Palomares Rodríguez, J.M. (Ed), Advances in Clinical Psychology.Dykinson S.L.

Blue, H., Olaf, A., Argüello-Gutiérrez, C., Mendiburo, A, & Ford, T. (2021). That’s not funny! Political identity moderates appreciation of disparagement humor. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.


Argüello-Gutiérrez, C, Romero-Sánchez, M., Carretero-Dios, H. (2018). Using a Pilot Study for Selecting Stimuli for Analysis: The Effects of Disparaging Humour on Stereotyping. SAGE Research Methods Cases.

de Rueda B., López, C., & Argüello-Gutiérrez, C. (2018). Efectos de un programa de intervención artístico sobre la salud físico-emocional: Proyecto Saludarte. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 18(1), 209 – 222.

Argüello, C., Carretero-Dios, H., Willis, G. B. & Moya, M., (2018). Joking about ourselves: Effects of disparaging humor on ingroup stereotyping. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 21(4), 568-583.

Heintz, S; Ruch, W; Platt, T: Pang, D; Carretero-Dios, C; Dionigni, A, Argüello-Gutiérrez, C; et al. (2018). Psychometric comparisons of benevolent and corrective humor across 22 countries: The virtue gap in humor goes international. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:92.

