Publicación (SMVG) Sending of unwanted dick Pics as a Modality of Sexual Cyber-violence: an Exploratory Study of its Emotional Impact and Reactions in Women Leer más
Publicación (PSG) Transformative effect of intimate partner violence against women based on sociocultural factors trapping women in a violent relationship Leer más
Publicación (PSG) How Do Women and Men Perceive the Sacrifice of Leaving Work for Their Families? A Cost–Benefit Analysis Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSG) Sexting Is Not Always Wanted: Consequences on Satisfaction and the Role of Sexual Coercion and Online Sexual Victimization Leer más
Publicación (PSG) Psychometric properties and factor structure of the brief Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives among Spanish smokers from the general population Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSG) ssessing police attitudes toward intervention in Gender Violence: the role of training, perceived severity, and myths about Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Leer más
Publicación (PSG) Self-Efficacy and Well-Being in Professionals Working in Intimate Partner Violence: Recovery Experiences and Burnout as Mediating Variables Leer más
Noticia (SMVG) Participación en el 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology Leer más