Publicación (SMVG) Beyond the Big Five: The fear of being laughed at as a predictor of body shame and appearance control beliefs Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (SMVG) Gender-Related Ideological and Structural Macrosocial Factors Associated With Intimate Partner Violence Against European Women Leer más
Publicación (PCS) Different faces of (un)controllability: Control restoration modulates the efficiency of task switching Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSD) Animalizing the disadvantaged, mechanizing the wealthy: the convergence of socioeconomic status and attribution of humanity Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSD) Economic inequality and masculinity-femininity: The prevailing perceived traits in higher unequal contexts are masculine Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Macrosocial and individual factors involved in violence against women by their partners in Europe: a multilevel analysis Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSD) Less human, more to blame: Animalizing poor people increases blame and decreases support for wealth redistribution Leer más
Publicación (PCS) Publicación (PSD) When lack of control enhances closeness to others: The case of unemployment and economic threat Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSD) Where does the money come from? Humanizing high socioeconomic status groups undermines attitudes towards redistribution Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (SMVG) Focusing on one’s own appearance leads to body shame in women but not men: the mediating role of body surveillance and appearance-contingent self-worth Leer más