Publicación (SMVG) Psychometric Properties of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) in a Sample of Active Health Care Professionals in Spain. Leer más
Publicación (SMVG) Women, negative work-home interaction and stress: impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on Spanish general and healthcare workers Leer más
Publicación (SMVG) The influence of lifestyles to cope with stress over mental health in pregnant and postpartum women during the COVID-19 pandemic Leer más
Publicación (SMVG) The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Perinatal Depression and Anxiety: A Large Cross-sectional Study in Spain Leer más
Publicación (SMVG) Effect of the Lockdown due to COVID-19 on Sexuality: The Mediating Role of Sexual Practices and Arousal in the Relationship between Gender and Sexual Self-Esteem Leer más
Publicación (PSG) Social perceptions of women in pornography: Attitudes and gender stereotypes Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSG) Objects don’t just walk away: Exploring the connection between women’s engagement in self-objectification and their ability to recognize and respond to sexual violence Leer más
Publicación (SMVG) The Social Legitimacy of Pain: Protocol for a Systematic Literature Review Leer más
Publicación (PCS) Defining power and agency in gender relations in El Salvador: Consequences for intimate partner violence and women’s mental health. Leer más