I am a fourth year PhD student in the Social Psychology Department if the University of Granada. I was beneficiary of an FPI contract (in the R&D project “Alliance processes in coping with threats to identity and perceived control (ALIADXS)”, REF: PID2019-111549GB-I00) and I am currently beneficiary of an FPU contract. My research is focused in social disadvantaged intergroup dynamics to promote social change. Moreover, my work has been centered in exploring the underlying dynamics of the collaboration (or separation) between feminist and LGBTIQA+ movement in Spain, and have extended it to other contexts (such as Poland, Canada or Germany). I have carried out a research stay in the University of Queensland (Australia; SIGN Group) and the University of Warsaw (Poland; Centre of Research on Prejudice).
I’m interested in the dissemination of academic knowledge to the general population, being one of the co-creators of Psicolobas Association (@Psicolobas), a space for social psychology divulgation, having participated in the 3-minute thesis competition at the University of Granada, and other types of smaller dissemination acts.
Main interests
Intersectionality and its consequences
Intergroup collaboration for social change
Relationship between feminism(s) and LGBTIQA+
Collective actions
Threat to social identities
Training and professional career
2021- nowadays
PhD Student
University of Granada
2020 - 2021
Master in Psychology of Social Intervention
University of Granada
2016 - 2020
Degree in Psychology
University of Granada
Galván Hernández, D., del Fresno-Díaz, A., Sáez-Lumbreras, A., Estevan-Reina, L., de Lemus, S., (2024). “We are all feminist”, but do we think the same? A focus group analysis of cisgender heterosexual and LBQ+ women on the collaboration between feminist and LGBTIQA+ movement in Spain. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Sweigart, M., Galván-Hernández, D., Hässler, T., Hegarty, P., Kite M.E., Ofosu, E.K., Ünsal, B., Eisner, L., (2024). Understanding variations in LGBTIQ+ acceptance across space and time: The importance of norm perceptions and political dynamics. Journal of Social Issues, 1-20.